Case Study #1: 25 Rooms, 11 out-of-state Siblings
The Situation:
- 25 room house
- 11 siblings around the globe
- 60 years worth of living
- Many valuable possessions
- Lots that needed to be disposed of
- Asbestos on pipes in basement
- Short timeframe for the house to go to market
Lifecycle Solution:
- Craft a plan with siblings, auction house and Realtor
- establish communication with all key players: Family Members, Realtor, Online Auction
- Dispose of non-valuables
- Help family members claim desired items
- Coordinate auctioning of remaining valuables
- Facilitate the proper disposal of asbestos
- Execute the plan and deliver the home broom clean in three weeks
Lifecycle Value:
LIFECYCLE became the single, trusted point of contact for its clients who were able to realize maximum value for the house and its contents in a matter of weeks.
Case Study #2: Moving in with Daughter
The Situation:
- Client moving out of state with family
- 25 years of possessions
- Kids all out of state
- Hot real estate market
- Needed to stay in home during downsizing
Lifecycle Solution:
- Assess the situation
- Craft a plan
- Coordinate with family and Realtor
- Execute the plan in 3 onsite days
Lifecycle Value:
Client was able to rapidly accomplish something that had eluded her and her family for years in just three days, all while maximizing the value of her real estate and other possessions.